ECHA is conducting a revision of the current 'Guidance on labelling and packaging' (EC No 1272/2008) which was last updated in 2021. As an accredited stakeholder EFTTA is entitled to nominate a person to monitor and comment on the updating process.
Since packaging and labelling regulations are of great importance to many companies in the tackle trade industry, we have forwarded this invitation to our members and offered to propose a designated packaging expert to be nominated on behalf of EFTTA.
As a result, EFTTA is thrilled to announce that the packaging and labelling expert of Rather Outdoors has been nominated to carry out this procedure. It's a real opportunity for the entire industry to be represented by a highly knowledgeable specialist in this matter. His involvement is a great added value, not only for Rather Outdoors, but also for other companies in the industry facing similar challenges.
The update introduces clarifications and revisions in line with the current practices and legislative changes as stipulated in the Classification-Labelling-Packaging (CLP) revision. It elaborates on specific topics such as:
digital labelling
distance sales’ offers
refill stations
practical formatting aspects on labels
We will keep our members informed of the outcome of the guidance update, as well as of any possible changes and their implications!
Thanks again to Rather Outdoors: without their valuable participation and expertise, EFTTA would not be able to offer expert advice on this specific topic.