Our Mission Protecting the tackle trade's interests in Europe
EFTTA, the European Fishing Tackle & Trade Association, represents the interests of the European angling industry at the European Commission and the European Parliament in Brussels.
We lobby for your future
Informing potential partners about threats to the future of angling and the…
To integrate marine recreational fisheries (MRF) into the EU advisery process
Agreed by Fisheries Ministries, Regulation formalization expected by late…
Effective from 10 December 2024
Tackle trade unites in meaningful dialogue and collaboration
Replaces the current GPS Directive and the FIP Directive with effect from 13 Dec…
Dansk Lystfiskeri & Svensk Sportfiske Handel
Strengthened relationship with French Fishing Tackle Industry Association
Rather Outdoors nominated as packaging expert on behalf of EFTTA
Leading EU biologists meet in Koblenz to launch research project.
Digitalisation of recreational fisheries and compliance with EU legislation
Why is it so difficult to obtain similar data in Europe?
Why the next President of the EU Commission matters to EFTTA
Supporting EFTTA to be representend and heard in the European Institutions
No longer doubts that cormorants damage fish stock and threaten biodiversity
Evaluation of CFP performance over the last 10 years.
Circular system required to reduce the impacts of increasing plastic waste and…
Decision following evidence that the salmon population is crashing
EU adopts historical nature law
More than 27,000 patents registered in the first year
Trade members confirm the importance of a joint approach to safeguard the…
Did you already check the Extended Producer Responsibility?
App development for registering and declaring catches
Supporting sales and use ban, import control and consumer information
Urging EU Member States to vote in favour of the Nature Restoration Law
Companies register to support Recreational Angling in Europe
Advocating for increased attention towards Recreational Angling
Topic: Revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation
Promoting the Recreational Fisheries Sector & Aquatic Environment
Should these be recognized across Europe, or harmonized?
Topic: implementation of the revised fisheries Control Regulation
Committing to support recreational angling for the industry
Olivier Portrat leaves EFTTA to pursue new career opportunity
EU Fisheries Ministers hold an informal meeting on 25 March 2024 in Bruges
EU Circular Plastics Packaging Conference, May 6-7, Rotterdam
A joint initiative by the Angling Trust, Shimano, and the Environment Agency
EC and Council suggest changing to a so-called 5% rule asap.
Immerse yourself in a weekend of fishing excitement and learning!
ECHA Committees committed to involving accredited stakeholder observers
5th revision of EU legislation to protect from health and safety risks
Public consultation on proposal to phase out Bisphenol A in food contact…
+ Closure North Sea sandeel fishery
Topics: EU legislation, lead and plastics in fishing tackle
Human wellbeing tied to the health of the world's wetlands
Improved labelling to protect from misleading marketing practices
Revision of 30-year-old Directive to address today's water challenges
NGO's disappointed that recovery plans of EU seas are watered down
Triggered by high level of non-compliance with EU requirements
72-76% of the world's industrial fishing vessels are not publicly tracked
Exhibition & Conference, the leading trade show on bio-based and recyclable…
EFTTA response to EU consultation on "Correction to the multiannual programmes…
119 million meters of line collected since launch in 2018
EU frontrunner to bring greater fairness in the tax landscape
Created by ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)
ECHA: 18% of inspected products are breaching the EU's chemical laws
IUNC reveals first global freshwater fish assessment
Substances added to PVC may pose risks to people & environment
IIHC: PFAS hazards can cause costly health liabilities
Next step: Parliament plenary vote early next year
Reducing packaging waste + ban on “forever chemicals” (PFAS) in food packaging
…November 29: Vote ENVI Committee European Parliament
Goal: replace plastic glitter with environmentally friendly ones
Only fair & sustainable if recreational fisheries are included!
Recreational anglers reaffirm commitment to sustainable fisheries
11 October 2023, MEP Salon Brussels. REGISTER NOW!
Majority of Amsterdam councilors oppose PVDD's proposal for a fishing ban
Council decision on September 7, 2023
Freshwater fish: one in three threatened with extinction
A milestone towards sustainable management of recreational fishery
A further significant step forward: congratulations to all involved!
July 12: EP to decide on fundamental text for EU rivers and marine habitats
EP recognizes the importance of recreational angling for coastal communities
EFTTA supports the ECHA proposal, asking to add a few minor derogations
MEP's discuss new ways to guarantee long-term sustainability of EU fish stocks
Restoring nature will help mitigate the negative impacts of climate change &…
10 year development program to promote fishing tourism in Finland
By 2030, all packaging on EU market must be recyclable
European Boating Industry (EBI) launches ambitious 2030 targets on end-of-life…
EFTTA contribution to EP's Fisheries Committee’s Hearing on March 28
An initiatve by the Angling Trades Association and Environment Agency (UK)
Visdeal has registered as a new active member, also joining the EFTTA board
Ocean 14 Capital fund to protect Life Below Water
The EU Commission publishes review of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)…
European NGOs consider hydropower to ensure the energy transition irresponsible
England: 17% increase on fishing licence sales (2020-2021)
EU-wide ban on using lead gunshot in wetland areas starts from 16/02/23
New EFTTA Vice-President:
Ross Honey (Angling Spirit)
EFTTA no longer involved in EFTTEX: organization & execution have been…
Conference on biodiversity protection and restoration, EU Parliament Brussels
Allowable catches levels (TACs) for herring, plaice, sprat, cod, salmon (among…
Ever-growing cormorant colonies across Europe cause great harm to fish stocks
Recreational Angling finally on the radar of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) ?
EFTTA continues to work with ECHA & EU to reduce impact of lead restrictions to…
Recreational angling not excluded by default from future strictly protected…
Plastic fishing lines, soft- & hardbaits no longer in the scope of SUP…
Instead of use ban EFTTA pleads for sales ban, import control and consumer…