EFTTA & EAA visit the European Parliament

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Advocating for increased attention towards Recreational Angling

In April, EFTTA Board Members Gerard Bakkenes and Ross Honey, together with EAA President Fred Bloot, had a meeting at the European Parliament with MEP Niclas Herbst (European People’s Party), Germany, Chair of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment. A meeting was also scheduled with MEP Pierre Karleskind (Renew Europe, France), Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries. However, Mr. Karleskind was unable to attend because of illness, but his head of office, Ms. F. Devaux, filled in for him.

Topics of this meeting were matters that are specifically relevant to the recreational angling world - among others the Fisheries Control Regulation, the Nature Restoration Law and a controversial proposal from the EU Commission to relax rules on multiannual fish stock management plans (MAP's)

As the current legislative period at the EU is touching its end, the representatives from EFTTA & EAA expressed their perspective on the agenda of the next mandate period of the European Parliament, emphasizing the importance of giving recreational angling activities increased attention and a greater focus on EU level - whether it concerns the individual anglers or the referring industry.

Both EP offices thanked the representatives of EFTTA & EAA for their positive contribution during the current mandate by providing precious socio-economic & scientific input and attending the bi-annual meetings of the RecFishing Forum. 

The visit of the EFTTA-EAA delegation in Brussels coincided with the last mandate meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries (COM PECH) concerning one of the same topics: the targets for fixing fishing opportunities and the revision of the Multiannual plans. On the agenda was a discussion on the Working Document published by MEP Pierre Karleskind, elaborating the proposed amendments. Even though the Working Document is acknowledged as an important and useful guidance, all debate participants agreed that it is crucial for the next PECH Committee, which will be elected in June 2024, to further discuss and develop this significant but also disconcerting EU proposal. 

Once the new MEP's start their new mandate period, EFTTA and EAA will keep a close eye on this important issue to ensure that the opinion of the anglers and the tackle trade sector is taken into consideration.

Click the following links for more information on the Revision of the Multiannual Plans:

The picture, from left to right: 
Gerard Bakkenes – EFTTA Board, Ross Honey – EFTTA Board, Fred Bloot – President EAA

