EFTTA follows the EU plastics policy very carefully. Out of concern for the fish and flowing waters. And to safeguard the angling industry.
The future decisions on plastics that are in planification have the potential to seriously affect or even obstruct the future of angling. Just think of hard- & softbaits, fishing line, rigs...
Therefore, we from EFTTA follow the EU plastics policy very carefully to be informed of all pending and future decisions. As soon as we detect issues which could endanger the angling industry, we cooperate closely with the EC and the tackle trade industry to raise awareness and to develop mutual solutions and synergies.
EFTTA keeps you regularly informed of the latest developments on the EU plastics policy:
- The EU has a goal to increase packaging waste recycling, reaching it will depend on whether local authorities increase and improve collection.
- One of the key objectives is to ensure that “all packaging on the EU market is reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030”.
- The European Commission is preparing a revision of the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive which will aim to dramatically increase the EU’s recycling rate.
- To do this, they are looking at greater harmonisation of the collection schemes being used locally in member states – and perhaps applying the idea of extended producer responsibility across the board.
- The Commission’s proposal, previewed in an action plan presented in March last year, is expected to be tabled in July. A public consultation document published last year identified increasing and improving collection as a main goal. But exactly how that will be done will depend on what the proposal looks like, and how the legislation will change during the negotiation process in the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers.
- Italy has transposed the EU Single-Use Plastic Products DirectiVE
- with effect from 14 January
- More: http://www.insideenergyandenvironment.com/.../italy.../
- The Decree (in Italian): www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2021/11/30/21G00210/sg