EFTTA proudly announces its acceptance as an ECHA accredited stakeholder!
- ECHA – the European Chemicals Agency – is responsible for making sure that chemicals are used in a safe manner to protect both human health and the environment.
- ECHA also prepares ban and restriction proposals like the one for lead in ammo, sinkers and lures, and the proposal to restrict or ban more than 10,000 PFAS of which some are used in tackle products like (some) fishing lines.
The ECHA Committees are aware that accredited stakeholder observers can provide valuable input to their proceedings and are therefore committed to involving stakeholders in their activities. According to the criteria, ECHA accredited stakeholder organizations must be registered in the Transparency Register maintained by the European Commission.
Accredited stakeholders are informed about upcoming committee meetings and have the possibility to participate as an observer in the work of ECHA Committees in a variety of ways – through discussions, workshops and events, joint activities, and regular updates about topical issues. They are also invited to provide input to the public consultations that enable ECHA to gain important insight into substances and the views and opinions of stakeholders.
As an ECHA-accredited stakeholder EFTTA is in particular admitted to participate in activities regarding
Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC)
Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC)
Updating of guidance documents
Through these participations EFTTA is kept up-to-date with all current and future ECHA working plans. Despite not having any chemists on our lobby team, our status as an ECHA accredited stakeholder allows us to timely inform our industry members of upcoming regulatory changes. In the event of potential conflict situations, we ensure that important information concerning the tackle trade industry is brought to the attention of ECHA.