EFTTA supports the ECHA proposal, asking to add a few minor derogations
MEP's discuss new ways to guarantee long-term sustainability of EU fish stocks
Restoring nature will help mitigate the negative impacts of climate change & biodiversity loss on the economy
10 year development program to promote fishing tourism in Finland
By 2030, all packaging on EU market must be recyclable
European Boating Industry (EBI) launches ambitious 2030 targets on end-of-life boats
EFTTA contribution to EP's Fisheries Committee’s Hearing on March 28
An initiatve by the Angling Trades Association and Environment Agency (UK)
Visdeal has registered as a new active member, also joining the EFTTA board
The EU Commission publishes review of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) 2009-2022
European NGOs consider hydropower to ensure the energy transition irresponsible
England: 17% increase on fishing licence sales (2020-2021)
EU-wide ban on using lead gunshot in wetland areas starts from 16/02/23
New EFTTA Vice-President:
Ross Honey (Angling Spirit)
EFTTA no longer involved in EFTTEX: organization & execution have been outsourced
Conference on biodiversity protection and restoration, EU Parliament Brussels
Ever-growing cormorant colonies across Europe cause great harm to fish stocks
Recreational Angling finally on the radar of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) ?